Bryan Singer talks X-MEN APOCALYPSE at San Pedro International Film Festival 2015
Director Bryan Singer talks X-Men: Apocalypse’s run time
Speaking at the San Pedro International Film Festival, director Bryan Singer opened up about the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, revealing that it might be longer than previous X-Men films and that it has a moment culminating the entire series, which you’ll get to see in the film’s trailer.
“The cut’s a little long right now, but I think it’s going to be a longer X-Men movie. The X-Men movies I usually I keep under two hours, but this one I may actually let be a longer movie because it’s sort of a wrap-up of six movies. It’s kind of a wrap up of X-Men 1, 2, 3, First Class, Days of Future Past, and there’s even an homage at the end, a scene. Its going to get spoiled because they decided to use it in the trailer which comes out in like six months, but it’s a really cool trailer. But it’s kind of a wrap up of six movies. So, it might run a little bit long.”